One Big Cake
Domdom has one big cake, what is he going to do with the cake?
One day, Frog catches Wasp. “Now I’ve got you!» Frog says. But Wasp sees that Frog is in trouble, too! In a humorous chain of events, each animal is caught and nearly eaten by another, until Wasp comes up with a clever solution to save them all!
Meet Nina and Peter. What things can they do? Nina can play soccer but can she kick a goal?
It’s Nin’s first day of school. She wants to get dressed in her uniform for school but everyone is too busy to help her! Can Nin get dressed all by herself?
Join a young girl as she spends time in her beautiful garden, full of flowers, butterflies, and bumblebees.
Once, dinosaurs roamed this Earth. But do you know what they were called? Let’s meet a delightful herd of dinosaurs.
Adam dreams of making his very own scooter. Will he find inspiration in his lunch box?
«Not that one,» says Anil’s mother when he asks for something. «Not that one!» say all the shopkeepers in the market too. That makes the little boy very angry indeed!
The girl in this story learns from her mother every day. Now she knows many things. Which of these can YOU do?
Would you like to have a very special friend? Look into this book and you may find that you already have a very special friend!
People work in different ways. Some people sell things. Some people make things and some people fix things. What things can you do?
Each day caterpillar is hungry. It eats and eats and eats. What happens to the caterpillar after eating all that food?
There are many nice things that children can make on their own. What are they? This book is one of the four books in the ‘Growing Up’ series.
A big girl or boy can help others in many ways. Helping is so much fun! This book is one of the four books in the ‘Growing Up’ series.
Here, a little boy learns to climb up. But can he climb down? This book is one of the four books in the ‘Growing Up’ series.
Join Kamal on a journey home through the city. Along the way, he discovers sounds and sights of the city, which are expressed using simple words in this story for early readers.
Where in PNG can you find these homes? What things do we do at home? Can you find the animals in their homes?
Do you like curly tails or straight tails? There are some things we like whether straight or curly!