Toto Imitates Grandpa
What does Toto learn from her Grandpa?
Tharul wants to help a lost and injured duckling. He takes the duckling home but they only find more trouble there!
Even the king of the jungle must keep his teeth clean. Read this sweet story about who taught him this important lesson.
Three little kittens are afraid of the neighbourhood dog. He really wants to play with them, but whenever they see him they run away! Why do you think they are so scared of him?
Peacock is sad. He wants to be able to fly like the other birds. What happens when he starts collecting feathers?
The new boy has a disability. Some children laugh. Manu cannot kick a ball but there is something he can do. What makes the children shout and cheer?
Thambu loves flying his kite. One day, the string breaks while Thambu is flying it. What will Thambu do?
Can you tell which family members are tall and which are short? This book demonstrates the concept of opposites— tall and short— through the members of a child’s family.
This is a little poem about a conical hat. It is a hat woven from cane. It is used for many things. Would you like to know more about this delightful little hat?
Rat loves to play hopscotch but he has no one to play with. His neighbour, Goat, is at home but he prefers to be alone. Can Rat persuade Goat to play with him?
Poki the pig follows Telu to school. What do the children do? What does the teacher say? What does Poki learn at school?
Rat and Frog go into the bush. They want to eat mangos, but a surprise visitor wants to eat Rat and Frog? Who will do the eating?
Sani has a pet cat called Suri. One day, she comes back from school, but cannot find Suri anywhere. While searching all over, she meets different kinds of cats, but none of them are Suri. Will she find her pet? Read and find out!
Putu is a small fish. Gutu is a big fish with big teeth! Oh no! Gutu is coming for Putu? How will Putu escape?
The pictures tell this very funny story. What does Papa do when he sees a snake? What does the snake do when it sees Papa?
Peter and Nina get ready for school. They show us their school. What things do you like to do at school?
How do you spend your holidays? Join the characters in this book as they describe the things they do during their holidays.
John cannot walk and talk like others in the class. But the children learn from John, and we can too.
Peter likes peanuts. His Aunty Kila shows Peter how to cook peanuts. Yum! What will Peter do with the peanuts he takes home?