The Lantern Girl
One evening, Nora’s torch blows out on her walk home and she’s surrounded by darkness. Nora wants to find a way to light up her village. But what can she do when the weather keeps blowing out the light?
One evening, Nora’s torch blows out on her walk home and she’s surrounded by darkness. Nora wants to find a way to light up her village. But what can she do when the weather keeps blowing out the light?
When Junior’s parents find out about his exam results, they take away his telescope and encyclopedia book to punish him. Junior wants to run away but where will he go?
Ms. Witty works out by the river bank every morning until one morning a coconut falls on her head and she loses her shell. Can she find her shell?
McGaiver, the Galactic taxi driver, takes passangers all around the galaxy. One day he finds a box in his in his space car’s back seat. Follow him as he tries to find the passengar that it belongs to.
King Kozoman’s son, Prince Farine, informs the king of his intention to marry the princess of the Kingdom of Aubergine, the king writes a letter to the kingdom of Aubergine. What happens to the letter and what lesson will Prince Farine learn?
Maya the Tortoise tries everyday to get to school in time, but ends up being late. She needs a bicycle. But where ever will she find a bicycle for a tortoise? Read on to see what she receives as a birthday present.
A white bear likes colours a lot, and he falls in love with new ones all the time. Join him as he explores a world of rainbows.
An elephant tries to help a little lost bee find his home. Is it the nest? The cave? Where does he live?
A lonely frog sneaks into the bedroom of a lazy boy. Soon, he finds letters and numbers and learns how to read and do math. What will he do with his new talents?
Beauty is raised in a small village and grows up to become a very beautiful bird. One day, disaster strikes the village- can Beauty save them all?
Why can’t bees work quietly? They buzz because there are some very good reasons to do so. Learn about the humble bees in this book.
Take a dive with us into the spectacular world of coral reefs, and catch a glimpse of some strange and beautiful sea creatures!
The Sun was no longer rising in Srey Pov’s village. She wanted to travel to meet the Sun and find out why. Find out what she discovers in this fun adventure story.
There are pictures of hornbills everywhere, but Kuleh has never seen a live one. When Kuleh and Inai go to the forest, Kuleh hopes that he’ll be able to see a real live hornbill.
Mother Nature needs a crown. Animals and children from all over the world join the competition to fashion a crown for her. Who will win?
A is for Ant, B is for Bee, N is for Nature Words in this beautiful alphabet book.
The inspiring story of Graça Machel, and her dream to instill a love for reading and learning in the children of Mozambique and the rest of Africa.
Maya is very happy that she is having a sister. There are many fun things she is waiting to play with her sister. But what will Maya do if the baby is born as a boy?
A little girl goes out alone in the dark. What does she find? This wordless book is one of the four books in the ‘Growing Up’ series.