Level 3

Meena’s Three Wishes

Meena dreams of a magic genie that will grant her three wishes so that everyone would be healthy and never again get sick from poor sanitation and unsafe water. When Meena wakes up she realizes that she must make her dream come true.

The Amazing Adventure

Tito and Rika fight over a mobile phone when, by accidentally pressing a button, they summon a UFO. An alien appears at the door and asks them to come aboard. Accompanied by a puppy and firefly, they go on a grand adventure in the spaceship. But next morning they wonder… Was it all a dream?

Devi and Bonda

Do best friends always have to be alike? Devi and Bonda are best friends, but Devi is a little girl, while Bonda is a… Well, he can lift heavy boxes, he can extend his arms and legs, he never forgets anything he’s told, he can be turned on and off. Can you guess what he …

Devi and Bonda Les mer »

A Book for Puchku

Puchku has run out of books to read. Then she discovers more books in the top shelf of the library bookcase. But Puchku is small, and the bookcase tall. How will she ever get to her beloved books?

Iko’s First Friend

Iko longs to be loved, but many people avoid him because of the way he looks. Some people, like Kiko, show him kindness. One day, Iko sees a snake about to attack Kiko. Will he find a way to keep Kiko safe from the snake?


The white-haired rabbit loves vegetables, but not the ones with dirt on them. What can the rabbit learn from the worm in this story?

The Healer

Dr. Cynthia Maung always helps people however she can. Read about her journey and her desire to help people wherever she calls home.